Night travels


From my childhood I’ve only kept a feeling of boredom and a great vacuity. Younger, I used to run away, but someone always found me. I would lay low into the hollow of a room or by its window, watching for the slightest event which could entertain me. I also summoned my night dreams because their beauty impressed me so much.

I have tried to capture some pictures from these recurring dreams. Sometimes, thoughts emerged from the sleep. Words like bubbles bursting from the surface of the conscience. Taking photographs for trying to see again, through the darkness of the lab - these unbelievable landscapes, this out of reach fantasy of mine. To try to find again, with open eyes, these scenes of the inner life.

This series comes after a picture work where the text was kept outside of the photography. With Night travels the words come into the picture. They live free as memory. The picture is wavering. Shapes are superimposed, condensed, played out of the mirror.