
I was born in Algeria. In 1962, after the country independence’s, my family settled in Paris where I reside today. I started to work in black and white, and it is in a “MJC.” of Paris suburb that I have discovered silver photography. My sensitiveness pushed me towards everyday life, interior life, and emotions. This approach has remained intuitive.

My photographic upbringing was done mostly through my self training and the transmitting of great photographers. Thanks to American photographer Mark Power to whom I owe my work about matching writing and imaging and Arno Minkkinen who showed that a strong work could be built only with self-portrait. I also want to thank Machiel Botman, Barbara Crane and Georges Fèvre.

The published led me to discover Duane Michals, Peter Beard, Bernard Plossu, Sophie Calle, Robert Frank, Raymond Depardon, Denis Roche, Alix Cléo Roubaud, Hervé Guibert… to speak only of some authors who’ve linked writing to the still image.

My work has been showcased in :

Porto - Portugal - Adorna Coraçoes’s Gallery,

Liege - Belgium - Saint-Remy’s Gallery - 

                            - Le comptoir du Livre at the time of Biennial International of Photograph,

London - England - Salon des Arts, Kensington,

Paris - France - La terrace Rambuteau,

                         - Jean-Pierre Lambert’s Gallery,

                         - Claire Corcia’s Gallery,

                         - Artyfact’s Gallery,

                         - Satellite’s Gallery…

Marseilles - France - Galerie La Traverse,

Arles - France - Photo Folio Review,

Houston - Usa -  Museum of Beautiful Arts for my book “Coupe sombre”.

My photography can also be found by the bequest of the Société Française de Photographie and the Bibliothèque Nationale de

France (Richelieu site).